Saturday 17 December 2011

White English Women Victimized Daily by Non_White Immigrants to England


20-year-old Re: British Police Target Woman on Tram for Opposing White Genocide
Remember people, that that Tram route is a notoriously anti-White area and the centre of the looting/riots earlier this year. Emma West no doubt encountered daily hate and provocation on that Tram from hostile baboons, whilst just going about her business. That would grind anyone down. I felt the same, as a White woman living in London, being leered at all day, every day and hostile treatment and being obviously spoken about and derided in rapidly jabbered foreign languages all day every day. I had them ask me plenty times would I sell myself, despite being dressed in a business suit, shirt, jacket and trousers. They pick on lone women and if you defend yourself, they pull knives and guns or gang up and say "oh you are a reyciss I see", etc. I reached the stage where I was too intimidated and frightened to go on public transport or out after dark any more, hence limiting my activities and my life. In my own land. I had to work flat out to get the means to leave, for my own sanity and safety. But it is spreading everywhere, where is left to run to?You do not realise what it feels like to be a woman, on your own, walking about in a permanent state of fear, all day, in your own land, eyes down, scared to even look at anyone and the minute night falls and even sometimes in broad daylight and you are coming home from work and a gang of big apes get behind you and pick up pace, those heart thumping moments that happen with alarming regularity. Until you have felt that heart pounding out of your chest, blood pumping terror, you cannot possibly know what causes someone to lash out.

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