Wednesday 27 February 2013

NumbersUSA vows to expose Senators for Amnesty

Is Your Senator Sweating, Yet?
NumbersUSA vows to expose Senators for Amnesty
...Starting with Sen. Lindsey Graham
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While Senators Lindsey Graham (R-SC) and John McCain (R-AZ) were meeting behind closed doors with President Obama yesterday to conspire on amnesty, we launched a national campaign to expose amnesty champions like Sen. Graham back home in their states and districts.
Yesterday, NumbersUSA put every Member of Congress on notice when newspapers across the country, including USA Today and the front page of the Wall Street Journal, reported our ad campaign, which starts today in South Carolina. The ads expose Sen. Graham (R-SC) for his leading role in calling for more immigrant workers during high unemployment.
We started with Sen. Graham, but with your help, we're going much further. We need to spread these ads across the nation, to put pressure on any congressman who may feel tempted to betray Americans for fawning press coverage and campaign contributions from open-borders elites.
Want to see the TV ad? Click the red button, and stick around to make a donation to spread the message!
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"We [are] running ads in South Carolina, calling attention to Sen. Graham's positions. Any member of Congress who is at odds with a passionate part of their electorate, there is a chance they can see some ads."
-- Roy Beck, NumbersUSA,
US News & World Report
Like Sen. McCain, Sen. Graham is from a reliably Republican state. The greatest electoral threat he faces would most likely be from a primary challenger. He is the only member of the Gang of Eight facing re-election next year.
" A GOP primary challenge against the senator has long been expected, and now the group Numbers USA, which advocates reducing immigration, says it plans to run several hundred thousand dollars in anti-Graham TV and radio ads beginning this week."
--Wall Street Journal
So much of what makes Sen. Graham vulnerable is the extreme disconnect between the rationale for an amnesty, and the suffering of unemployed Americans. Look at this outrageous claim by Sen. Graham, published in a South Carolina newspaper, yesterday:
"There's a shortage of labor."
--Sen. Lindsey Graham
"15.8% -- 350,000"
South Carolinians who can't
find a full-time job
Do you see why we felt we must expose his support for amnesty back in his home state? We launched this TV ad campaign with funds on hand. Do you want it to extend to other states? Help us! Send us a donation, and we'll expose more pro-amnesty Members of Congress!
Please donate todayor click
"Who elected Lindsey Graham to demand millions more immigrant workers when so many South Carolinians are jobless?"
--NumbersUSA TV ad
Many politicians are like Sen. Graham. They think they can ignore the thousands of unemployed in their states and do the dirty work of driving down labor costs for the open borders coalition. They must be exposed in their home states. It starts today! Click the red button to see the ad now.
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"The people of South Carolina need to let Sen. Graham know it is misguided to greatly increase the flow of foreign workers while nearly 350,000 South Carolinians can't find a full-time job
--Roy Beck,
USA Today
Lots of organizations run issue-related ads. What makes NumbersUSA's political ads so effective is that we back up our ads with messages to elected officials with faxes, e-mails, petitions and phone calls from their constituents.
We're going after Lindsey Graham today, but we can bring accountability to other states tomorrow. Want to help? Click the button to watch the TV ad, and stick around to make a donation. We'll spread the message!
Please donate todayor click

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