Monday 27 May 2013

s744 Rubio's Amnesty Costs 6.3 Trillion to US Taxpayers Wyden and Merkley want Amnesty for mexicans

Example of a Numbersusa Fax- seems our elected Officials, such as Wyden  and Merkley turn off their fax machines rather than hear what the people have to say.
Congress & President Obama,
I was astounded to learn that the Heritage Foundation's Robert Rector has just released a study showing that the Gang of Eight's amnesty bill would cost U.S. taxpayers at least $6.3 trillion. As horrible as this number is, the legislation will cost Americans much, much more as the study only includes the amnesty provisions, not those that allow 22 million more legal immigrants to come to the U.S. over the next decade. Please oppose this legislation.
There's no doubt about it, America's immigration system is broken. Our broken system has allowed 11 million illegal aliens to live, and in most cases, work, in our country without fear of arrest or deportation. On top of that, our broken system has allowed U.S. businesses to bring in more than 1 million foreign workers each year at a time when 20 million Americans cannot find a full-time job and tens of millions more have left the work force in disgust.
The solution to fixing our system is not an amnesty that adds trillions to the national debt or gives away tens of millions of work permits to low-skilled illegal and legal aliens. Please act in the best interests of the American people and oppose this legislation.

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