Tuesday 10 June 2014

ANNE MANETAS Tell Your Rep. that Dem Amnesty Push Behind Child Illegal Alien Crisis

 Tell Your Rep. that Dem Amnesty Push Behind Child Illegal Alien Crisis
Because you have a Democratic Member of Congress and much of the immigration-related action thus far this year has been in the Republican theater, you have not heard from us as much recently as your fellow activists who live in Republican districts. This week you have an opportunity to make a difference by calling your own Member of Congress.
Recent news reports of unprecedented levels of children illegally entering the United States in hopes of receiving Deferred Action are a sad and dangerous illustration of how promises of future amnesties simply encourage more would-be illegal aliens to put their lives at risk to come here illegally in hopes of receiving amnesty. As of April 2014, more than 560,000 illegal aliens have received DACA, according to USCIS data. Border Patrol agents are reporting (and have been quoted in mainstream news sources such as the New York Times) that some of the children apprehended crossing the border illegally have said they are trying to get in to the U.S. before time runs out to qualify for amnesty.
Whether they intended it or not, President Obama and other other Members of Congress who have been championing amnesty bear some responsibility for this recent surge in illegal immigration and the fate of these illegal alien children. If they were instead enforcing current immigration laws and talking about immigration changes that reduced foreign-worker competition and held outlaw employers accountable, very few parents would find it worth the risk to send their children across the border illegally and alone.
Call Your Democratic Representative
You will find talking points in the phone note but it would be helpful to remind your Member of Congress that Democratic amnesty policies and promises, particularly the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA), have led to this humanitarian crisis. Tell your Representative that if they want to help these children and other would-be illegal aliens, they should stop making promises of amnesty and start enforcing our immigration laws.
 Call Your Democratic Representative
or click https://www.numbersusa.com/phones?ID=16072
The Amnesty Threat Level was raised again late last week when our Capitol Hill team got word that Reps. Mick Mulvaney (R-S.C.), Paul Ryan (R-Wisc.), and Mario Diaz Balart (R-Fla.) are polling their fellow House Republicans to measure support for moving an amnesty bill before the August recess. Reportedly, if they can get enough Republicans on board with their plan, House Leadership will do a formal whip count and move an immigration bill to the floor of the House before the August recess.
This latest development confirms rumors we began hearing a few months ago that the House GOP Leadership might bring an amnesty bill to the floor after the filing deadlines for the 2014 primaries. Now that most of the deadlines have passed, the push for a House-passed amnesty is heating up. Confirmation of these reports came again this morning in a Breitbart News article by Jonathan Strong quoting Rep. Mark Amodei (R-N.V.) describing a "quiet whip effort" underway.
"They started a quiet whip count, trying to gauge what the support was for doing something on immigration within the Republican conference. We want to see where we stand on that whip count because, obviously, the Speaker does not want to get out in front of it and then have the limb sawed off behind him," Amodei said.
Apparently these amnesty Republicans have so little respect for their constituents, especially the unemployed ones, that now that most appear likely to win their elections in November, they feel free to move forward catering to the well-funded lobbyists who are pushing for amnesty and more foreign workers.
As Chris described in his newsletter on Friday, this is the biggest threat we have faced this year. Even if the House passes a limited bill, it could be used as a vehicle to tack on the Senate-passed Schumer-Obama amnesty (S. 744). Of course, this bill would have to go back to the House for approval, but with 192 Democrats already signed on to a discharge petition to bring the House version of S. 744 to the floor for a vote, only a handful of Republican votes would be needed for passage.
Your indefatigable efforts all year have created tremendous frustration for Big Business and special interest lobbyists who have been pushing all year for any size amnesty bill they can get to the House floor. Your heroic activism has left their hands hanging out of their well-funded pockets wondering what to do next in order to get their coveted amnesty. Your phone call today can help put the brakes on the amnesty push while also helping to end this humanitarian crisis President Obama and Congressional amnesty supporters have helped create. We've done it before and we can do it again.
Thank you for sticking with us throughout this tireless effort.

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