Wednesday 26 November 2014

Call Obama At Whitehouse Say NO to His Amnesty for 5 million illegal aliens- American Jobs for Americans Only!

Pres. Obama's executive action is about Jobs

Pres. Barack Obama
(202) 456-1414 (Capital)
(202) 456-1111 (Capital)
Calling is simple! Use the number to the top right that will connect you directly to the White House comment line. When you're connected to an operator, tell him/her your name, your hometown, and then use one of the talking points provided.

Talking Points

Talking point:
Pres. Obama's executive action will allow 5 million illegal aliens to compete with Americans for any job in any occupation. How does this help jobless Americans get back on their feet?

Talking point:
Through the President's executive actions, millions of illegal aliens will be able to compete with Americans for jobs in construction, manufacturing, service, programming, or any other occupation. The labor force participation rate is at its lowest rate in decades. Did Pres. Obama consider the impact of his actions on millions of jobless and underemployed Americans?

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