Thursday 20 November 2014

Obama and Numbersusa- on His Criminal Proposed Amnesty


Media presses WH on Obama's 'Emperor' quote


This week, NumbersUSA ran two different advertisements in the Capitol Hill publication, Roll Call, highlighting Pres. Obama's past quote, "I'm not an Emperor of the United States." He made the statement during a Google hangout with activists in early-2013, but he may now be regretting it. On Wednesday, White House press secretary, Josh Earnest was grilled by ABC's Jon Karl on the quote and the president's upcoming executive amnesty.


President Obama to Announce Executive Amnesty in Address Thursday


According to the Washington Post, President Obama will announce on Thursday his plans to grant executive amnesty to millions of illegal aliens. The plan would reportedly expand his 2012 directive, Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) that granted amnesty and work permits to illegal aliens meeting certain criteria, and extend similar benefits to illegal-alien parents of children who are U.S. citizens or green card holders.


Rep. Hal Rogers Calls for 'Rescission' Plan to Fight Executive Amnesty


On Tuesday, House Appropriations Chairman Hal Rogers (R-Ky.) tried to convince House Republicans that they could rescind a long-term spending bill if Pres. Obama moved forward with an executive amnesty, but it was poorly received according to several House Republicans. Rep. Rogers has been reluctant to embrace a plan to pass short-term spending bills, allowing the next Congress to defund the President's action.

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