Friday 24 May 2013

NumbersUSA activists Alert Help Kill Amnesty Bill S744 Let Corrupt US Senate Hear from you

NumbersUSA Meeting Alert
melanie oubre
We can't defeat this amnesty bill without your help.
Dear NumbersUSA Activist,
Memorial Day Recess is upon us! This will be the last time your Senators are home before they vote on S 744, the atrocious Gang of 8 amnesty bill.
The time really is now or never for activism.
Seriously. I'm not exaggerating. If you want this amnesty bill to pass, then sit back and relax. If not, do something to stop it. Many fellow NumbersUSA activists have been doing exactly that this week. Read about it here.
We only have a few more weeks- at most- until your Senators cast their vote on the bill. They are scheduled to start debate on the bill June 10.
What your Senators hear from their constituents over the next 10 days will have a profound impact on how they vote.
All the materials you may need to have a successful week of activism and keep up with news on the bill can be found here.
There are many things you can do over Memorial Day Recess to send a strong message to your Senators...
  • 1. Attend a town hall. 100 times more impact than a fax or email.
    NumbersUSA will be sending out alerts for all Senate town halls. All town halls, Senate and Congress, will be posted on your Action Board as we find out about the events. Please check your Action Board daily if you are interested in attending a town hall.
    If you do not see an event on your Action Board, call your Senators offices and see what their schedules are for the upcoming recess. SENATORS DO NOT LIKE TO PUBLISH THEIR SCHEDULES, especially Senators who are on the fence about amnesty. Don't let them get away with it!

  • 2. No town halls? Attend a meeting with staff on the road. 50 times more impact than a fax or email.
    Many Senators hold "mobile office hours" or "traveling office hours." These events are when Senate staffers travel around the state and meet with constituents usually in smaller towns that are not close to the permanent Senate offices.
    The purpose of these meetings are for the staffers to hear the concerns of constituents and report them back to the Senator. These meetings are extremely helpful. These meetings will also be posted on your Action Board once our team finds out the schedule.

  • 3. None of the above? Make an office visit. 20 times more impact than a fax or email.
    If the least you can do is take 10 minutes out of your day to drop off materials to a Senate office, PLEASE DO IT! NumbersUSA has some very vital materials that your Senators need to see including polling and the list of flaws in the bill.

  • 4. Or schedule an appointment. 100 times more impact than a fax or email.
    You can also make an appointment with your Senators or their staff. Just call their offices and request a meeting. The Senate staff are there to help you - please don't be hesitant to call because you do not agree with your Senator on all of the issues. Don't want to go alone? Then let me know and NumbersUSA can get other activists to attend the meeting with you.

  • 5. What about your town's Memorial Day Celebration? Could be 100 times more impact than a fax or email.
    Many members of Congress attend Memorial Day parades or other events. Call their offices or look on their website to find out!

Find your Members of Congress' phone numbers, addresses, and websites HERE under "contact information."
**Note:** the state offices, not the DC office, will have better information on your Senators' schedule and events.
Some helpful materials for you to bring to any meeting or town hall...
  • Our two-pager listing the flaws of S 744.

  • Our latest national poll that shows the vast majority of Americans disagree with the main proponents of the Gang of 8 bill.

  • Memorial Day should be a time when we pay thanks to the men and women who have served our great nation. Please point out to your lawmakers the unacceptable unemployment figures for our veterans. And ask them, how can you justify giving work permits to 33 million new foreign job seekers when so many of our veterans cannot find work.

Remember, all the materials you may need to have a successful week of activism and keep up with news on the bill can be found here.
Many people will be talking about the latest scandals including the IRS scandal over Memorial Day Recess. These scandals show a lack of competency from our government officials, and provides yet another reason why Americans should be hesitant to trust the Executive Branch. This can easily be linked to the amnesty bill. The bill clearly says, trust us to enforce the borders, trust us to make sure illegal aliens don't get on welfare, and trust us to make sure Americans don't lost their jobs to foreign workers.
If any politician is attacking Obama or the Executive Branch over these scandals, you must ask them how this impacts their vote for a bill that would give unprecedented powers to these same officials (or culprits).
Finally, other ways to keep tabs on your Senators. Some lawmakers will use just one of the resources below to advertise an event, and NumbersUSA may not know about it!
  • 1. Sign up for email alerts - found on your Senators' websites.

  • 2. "Like" them on Facebook - even if you don't really like them!

  • 3. Follow them on Twitter.

  • 4. Subscribe to their RSS feed, also found on their website.

Do you know about a town hall or other and don't see it on your Action Board? Please email me and tell me about it.
Thank you so much for your time. We all know this bill would be very, very bad for our country and for the American worker. Please keep up the good fight against amnesty and massive increases in foreign workers.
Your country is counting on you,

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