Saturday 16 February 2013

Stop Obamas Blanket Amnesty Donate to Numberusa

Is an Amnesty Inevitable?
Two Reasons For Alarm; But 3 Reasons For Hope
Help Us Raise $47,500 by Sat. Midnight To Stop Amnesty
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Select Always Allow Images from NumbersUSA to see graphic of amnesty warningDear Americans
It looks like Amnesty may be inevitable unless you act.  Why would I say that?
There are two big reasons for alarm:
The first reason for alarm is many elected officials think you just don't care.
During the Bush-Kennedy Amnesty effort of 2007, NumbersUSA and our members besieged the Senate with faxes and phone calls. Georgia Senator Johnny Isakson originally supported the 2007 Amnesty attempt, but he responded to constituents' pressure then and voted against the Amnesty. Recently, he told a local Georgia Chamber of Commerce that regular folks don't seem to care about the Amnesty threat anymore, and he thinks Amnesty will pass:
"Five years ago, all hell broke loose. This year, I thought phones would ring off the hook again. They really haven't."
--Sen. Johnny Isakson
I realize that there isn't an actual bill yet. Many people haven't yet engaged and started calling. However, Sen. Isakson is saying the volume needs to go up. We need your help to turn that volume up. If we fail, the consequences will be grim.
Robert Rector of the Heritage Foundation has estimated that the Amnesty being pushed by the Senate "Gang of Eight" and Pres. Obama will cost above $2.5 Trillion ultimately.  I know you are NOT okay with that!
The second reason for alarm is that the media and many politicians are selling Amnesty as practically done already.
We're used to a slanted media. Politicians who are in the pocket of the open borders coalition are nothing new. Sen. John McCain's a great example. First, he was FOR Amnesty, then he was AGAINST Amnesty (when running for president and re-election to the Senate), and now he's FOR Amnesty again. Being McCain must be a dizzying experience. But it is painful to see elected officials like Sen. Marco Rubio of Florida and Congressman Mike Coffman of Colorado lose their nerve and support Amnesty.
But, there is hope. Actually, this proposed Amnesty is NOT inevitable. Far from it. Here are 3 reasons for hope.

Three Reasons For Hope

1. Amnesty backers' values conflict.
Although the backers of so-called Comprehensive Immigration Reform all favor Amnesty of one sort or another, they do seem terrified of the word "Amnesty." Many of the Senate leaders, plus the White House, strongly disagree under what circumstances there could be an Amnesty, or who would qualify to get it.

Several new Amnesty supporters say they mostly support a DREAM Amnesty for young illegal aliens. Sen. Rand Paul has begun arguing for Amnesty, but he says it must include a massive temporary worker provision. The White House plan does not include temp workers. Some Senators are insisting that same-sex couples must be a part of the deal, while others suggest they'll pull out of the deal if it does include same-sex couples. Chain migration is now emerging as another point of conflict for our opponents.
2. The administration lacks credibility with Congress on enforcement.
One value most, but not all, Amnesty backers claim to share is that our borders must be secure. Sen. Marco Rubio states emphatically that "triggers" for border security must be in place before there can any Amnesty. But Department of Homeland Security Secretary Janet Napolitano testified to the Senate this week that our "borders have never been more secure" and that "too often the border security refrain simply serves as an excuse." Even California Sen. Dianne Feinstein challenged the administration,saying they failed to meet deadlines on completion of the entry/exit system. If both of these positions hold, the Amnesty falls apart.
3. We've defeated every 21st-century Amnesty .
They keep coming after us, but we keep defeating them. NumbersUSA and our army of activist members have defeated more than 50 Amnesty attempts since the year 2000. We enjoyed huge victories in 2006, 2007 (the famous Senate battle), and again in 2010. The other side has always predicted an Amnesty victory. Our members always come through with millions of faxes, untold phone calls, and extreme vigilance. As long as we are fully engaged and 100% energized, they cannot defeat us.
We CAN WIN, but we can win ONLY if you support us financially now! Not some other time, not next month. TODAY!
We must raise $47,500 by Saturday midnight to meet our mid-monthly budget and continue to have a realistic chance of stopping this Amnesty. We have to pay for millions of faxes. We have to take to the airwaves. We have to bulk up our capacity to fight an all-out political war.
Will you help us for the future of this country?
Please donate todayor click

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